Wednesday, October 24, 2012

GFWC Concord Contemporary Club
2nd Annual Princess Tea Party
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2012 10AM-12:30PM
RED RIVER THEATER    11 South Main Street, Concord, NH 03301
$20 donation  (1 adult & 1 child)      ($5 for each add’l child)       advance tickets
$30 donation    (1 adult & 1 child)    ($5 for each add’l child)       day of the event
 Tickets can be purchased at the following locations:
Imagination Village             9 North Main Street, Concord, NH
Here We Grow Again,        89 Fort Eddy Road, Concord, NH
All proceeds benefit the Janet Lillios Scholarship Fund
Purchase tickets in advance or RSVP with Melissa Bianchi ( or 904-669-4519)

Thursday, November 24, 2011

September Meeting

We enjoyed an informative tour of the Concord Public Library during Library Card Sign-Up Month. Thank you for having us CPL!
The event was followed by an evening fundraiser at Uno's Pizzeria.

Princess Tea!

The GFWC Concord Contemporary Club would like to thank all of our sponsors of our Princess Tea on November 19. Thank you: Red River Theatres, Party Palace, My Turn to Cook, Casella Recycling, Here We Grow Again, the Common Man and Cobblestone Design Company. Thanks to everyone who came out and enjoyed the day!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

September Fundraiser and Meeting

Hello Ladies,
September 13th is the date of our first meeting! We will begin the evening at UNO's for a fundraiser where a percentage of the proceeds from sales will go to our club. We will then have a tour of the Concord Public Library in celebration of National Library Month. More information to follow...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

April Meeting

We will be having a new member orientation on April 12 starting at 6:30pm. We are meeting at a different location, Granite Ledges, right past Concord Hospital. Come see what the General Federation of Women's Clubs and the Concord Contemporary Club have to offer!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

GFWCNH District I-III Conference

Hi Ladies,

On November 6, 2010 District 1, 2 and 3 will officially combine for our first meeting as one district. The meeting will be at the Centennial Inn in Concord from 9am until 3pm. The conference will feature a speaker from the Rape and Domestic Violence Crisis Center. The day will conclude with an auction of 'mystery bags' in support of GFWCNH's President's Project. The Concord Contemporary Club is hosting this year and we encourage you to join us!

Friday, September 24, 2010

New England Regionals

The Concord Contemporary Club has 3 members present at New England Regionals in Rhode Island. The conference is in Warwick from September 24-26th!